Later on, I realized I could extend that notion to the artifact side in two distinct ways. One didn't survive scrutiny. It was too informal, although somehow I'd like to bring back some of the underlying reasoning, probably as part of a different property. The other proved more solid. Since a few people asked me (in real life) how do I get these ideas, I think it might be interesting to tell the story behind the concept; after all, a blog ought to be a... log :-). The story is not really linear, but then, very few things in life are linear.
Step 1
It was an early morning back in July. I was running. At some point (within the first few kilometers) I had a flash that perhaps the notion of mass was not a primitive concept. Perhaps there was a concept of volume (and LOC would give volume, not mass) and a concept of density (after all, lines can be quite different). I spent a few minutes thinking about density (the simplest idea being that perhaps something like cyclomatic complexity could explain density), then thinking that I didn't like volume because it reminded me of Halstead's Software Science, and I didn't want my work to be so disconnected from practice. Then I started to think about a concept of surface; maybe there was an ideal volume / surface ratio too? Then the zen effect of running took over and I blissfully stopped thinking :-)). [most of those ideas were good, and at some point I'll have to reconsider a few things].
Step 2
Days later, I was thinking about giving a name to this stuff I'm writing. I came up with a few ideas, and also run a trademark / domain name search, because you never know. Looking for "Physics of Software", I found a remotely related entry in the C2 wiki: Physical Cues In Software Development.
Now, that stuff seems more concerned with the geometry/topology of code than with the physics of software, but while reading that page I was slightly tantalized by this sentence: "Too dense to refactor easily". Interesting. I did some literature research on density vs. refactoring, but nothing substantial came up.
Step 3
Days later again. I was writing some code (yeah, I write real world code too :-). I tend to write short methods: I practice what I preach. Still, I was in the middle of a rather long function (by my standards, that is, about 100 lines). I was looking at it, trying to understand how it got to be that big. I could see the gravitational effect of having used a massive third party component; that was consistent with my current understanding of the scale-free nature of software (more on this another time).
I could also see a few small, simple improvements, but in the end it was not trivial to refactor that method into a few shorter functions. Sure, it could be done, just not by selecting a few lines and choosing "extract method" from the refactoring menu. I had to create new classes, shuffle responsibilities around. Overall, it was a large effort (given the relatively small mass). I contemplated the idea of leaving that function alone :-). Too dense to refactor easily? Hmm.
Step 4
Perhaps a couple of weeks later. This thing kept bouncing in my head. I always assumed I could refactor every single method into a set of smaller methods, perhaps introducing new classes. Sure, run-time friction could grow as a result, but that's just something to be balanced. But was that actually true? Could I write a function that was basically impossible to refactor, that is, where extracting a few lines required either a huge effort or, even better, where to move N symbols outside, you basically have to add N symbols inside (to call the extracted method)? Having too much to do, I left the question unanswered.
Step 5
Just a few days later. Late evening, but unwilling to call it a day :-), I sat down trying to write a gordian function :-), a simple sequence of lines that couldn't easily be refactored. This is what I end up with:
void f( int a, int b )
int c = a + b;
int d = a + c;
int e = b + c;
int f = a + d;
int g = b + d;
int h = c + d;
int i = c + e;
int j = b + e;
int k = a + e;
// ... use f, g, h, i, j, k as above
It may be easier to visualize the pattern through a graphical view:

the idea is pretty simple: at every level, I'm using nearby concepts and distant concepts; I'm also creating nodes for subsequent use in lower levels. Now, this function is trivial. Cyclomatic complexity is just 1. Yet is hard to refactor. It is hard to move things (lines, symbols, concepts) around. So I thought perhaps this was "density".
Step 6
Out of nowhere, a few days later I realize that density was not the right name. When you have troubles moving things around, we call it viscosity, not density. That triggered an internal alert: viscosity has already been used in some computing literature, and I hate to redefine existing terms, so let's check literature again.
Step 7
To my knowledge, "viscosity" has been used in:
- The Cognitive Dimensions of Notations literature, where it is defined as "the difficulty of making small changes to the information structure" or "resistance to change", both of which are rather similar to what I'm thinking. Note that although the papers above are about the notation, not the code, I discussed extending those concepts from tools to materials almost three years ago.
- The well known Design Principles and Design Patterns paper from Robert Martin, where it is defined as "When the design preserving methods are harder to employ than the hacks, then the viscosity of the design is high". This is completely unrelated, and honestly I'm not sure that "viscosity" is the right term. Indeed, Martin is using several physics-lookalike properties (immobility, fragility, rigidity), but it seems like they've been adopted on the basis of some vernacular usage of terms, not on the basis of strong correlation between the software world and the physical world (there is certainly no notion of "preserving a design vs. hacks" in viscosity as defined in physics).
In the end, I considered viscosity as a good choice for the difficulty of moving knowledge around in the artifact world.
Step 8
Guess what. Viscosity is basically friction (in fluids). Ok, I got it :-).
Just like run-time friction kicks in when you try to move run-time knowledge around, artifact-side friction kicks in when you try to move artifact-side knowledge around. Code is one way of representing artifact-side knowledge. Diagrams are another way. They both manifest some resistance to change.
Once you get the concept (almost) right, it's time to clean things up, come up with a more precise definition, see if it's useful and what you can learn from it.
Defining viscosity
Why is the artifact in step 5 viscous, that is, what makes it difficult to move knowledge around? The main issue is that we can't find sub-centers, because every line has local interactions (with nearby knowledge) and non-local interaction (with distant knowledge). So although every single line is using just a few symbols, you can't simply find a subset of lines that is relatively isolated from the rest. Every line is also very simple on its own, and unworthy to be moved outside alone.
So, I could define a viscous artifact A like this:
A is viscous when given any subset B of A, the mass of knowledge inside B is not significantly higher than the amount of knowledge exchanged between B and A-B
I crafted this definition rather carefully :-). In fact, the problem with the function above is not just that every line depends on nearby and distant knowledge. It's also that it's doing very little. Otherwise, we could move a significant portion of code (doing "lot" of stuff) outside the function, of course by passing parameters. But then, the mass of knowledge inside the subset B would be higher than the mass of knowledge exchanged (the parameters). That is not the case in function f.
Viscous artifacts resist shear/tensile stress, that is, they resist extraction of knowledge. As we try to move the knowledge in B outside A, the knowledge exchanged with A-B is opposing the movement. The effort we have to spend to reorganize viscous artifacts is the equivalent of friction energy in the run-time world. Only, this time, it's human work, not CPU work.
Note: I could come up with some kind of formula for a viscosity coefficient. I did not because I feel I'm not yet at that stage. Still, the minimum ratio between exchanged and internal knowledge (quantified over the subsets B, not over A) seems like a good candidate.
It is important to understand that viscosity is an internal property of an artifact. It has nothing to do with the artifact interface. It's about the artifact internals. Of course, given the hierarchy of artifacts, an artifact may have low [internal] viscosity, yet be part of a viscous higher-level artifact. For instance, a low-viscosity function can be part of an high-viscosity class. In that case, it would be easy to move some portions of code outside the function, but not outside the class.
Once again, we have to resist the temptation to define some property as "bad". In the physical world, viscosity is not "bad". It can be useful, or it can be a problem: it's a matter of context.
Besides, when you look at the definition above, you may see some relationship with a vague notion of cohesion: a viscous artifact is "more cohesive". Cohesion is usually considered a good property. What's wrong here?
My current understanding is that it's fine to be viscous when the mass is small. Actually, it's good to be viscous when the mass is small. A small viscous chunk of knowledge is a good center: it stands on its own, and can't be easily broken. However, viscosity should decrease as mass increases. That gives an opportunity for extraction of knowledge, thereby forming new centers. Note that by saying so, I'm implicitly accepting the existence of high-mass artifacts. Still:
- high-mass, low-viscosity artifacts can be considered as rather innocent underengineering, a form of technical debt that can be easily repaid (see also the latest comments to Chapter 0). The high gravity of the artifact will bring in more stuff: that would be the ideal time to refactor the code, which will be easy, since viscosity is low.
- high-mass, high-viscosity artifacts are a serious design weakness that should be dealt with as soon as you notice, possibly while you're still creating the artifact. Gravity will bring in more stuff, and things can only get worse.
Note: a trivial refactoring of a viscous artifact will significantly increase run-time friction, as we'll have to pass a lot of parameters around. In most cases, we'll have to rethink the artifact and perhaps a significant portion of the surroundings, as we may have chosen the wrong centers.
It's sort of revealing that I started with a notion of density but ended up with a notion of viscosity, and had to reject an existing definition of viscosity in the process. Labeling software phenomena after physical phenomena is simple. Doing so in a meaningful way is not so trivial.
I think that keeping the duality run-time / artifact in mind is helping me a lot in this journey. Things are much easier once you can clearly see that you're dealing with two different worlds. A recent post by Rico Mariani, for instance, raises an interesting point, which is trivially explained within my frame of reasoning, but seems unnecessarily obscure when you simply talk about "coupling" and ignore the artifact/run-time duality.
As I progress in cleaning up some ideas on the decision space, I hope to bring in even more clarity. Which reminds me that I have something really important to say about design and decisions. It's short, and I'll let it preempt :-) the next chapter on tangling.
Carlo, thanks for yet another exciting post in this series, I absolutely love it! First it's fun and even entertaining, to me at least. It also looks promising, obviously towards new smarter metrics, but especially toward a better informed vocabulary of concepts that we can use to shape, analyze and explain our design.
This post has a weak -bare chronological- structure, yet is one of the easiest to understand, this structure is a good idea indeed.
On the content, I had the matters of cohesion and coupling in my mind while reading your post, a bit like "haha, we're going toward deeper-than-usual explanations of why low coupling and high cohesion is good".
"high-mass, low-viscosity artifacts can be considered as rather innocent underengineering": yes indeed, this is now clear, and our usual metrics fail to capture that kind of distinction.
Your concept of gravity, which makes massive (heavy?) artifacts get worst over time because they attract more stuff, is also very relevant; I like the dynamic view of software and its forces that influence us. It takes a lot of will to resist such forces sometimes.
To be honest, I also write a comment to share my enthusiasm, and I hope you will carry on and refine that thread of research. Cheers
For a discussion of a suite of effective theories that describe the behavior of software, see my blog on softwarephysics at:
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